'The hours' is exactly how life progress

2023-04-20 16:31:34 来源:哔哩哔哩


I'd been through all these, like little Richard, Laura, and Virginia,I mean mentally of course, during my 10s and 20s. 

The heart was deeply dead but the body survived ironically. I'd been struggling on the edge of death for sure. Till I suddenly met someone who brought me back to the Eden temporarily. It was the most beautiful and meaningful thing that ever happened in my life. Like magic, it made me meet another brand new side of myself that I'd ever seen. I was totally delighted. The whole thing feels like fate! It feels like... hope.

However, yeah, however is ever absent. It wasn't last long and everything went wrong just before the pandemic. And it's hard to judge that I've regenerated afterwards again...lol

Anyways, wish you good luck!


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